Our Life in Bags

Mamas, I know you can relate. Leaving the house every morning can sometimes feel like packing up for a long weekend away, am I right? Here’s a glimpse at the load we had prepared for yesterday.

It included Gage’s talker, ninja turtle pack, Gage’s school back pack, and a pool bag for swim lessons. Oh, and a big box of PBS KIDS goodie bags, which I forgot and had to turn around for so I could drop them by the zoo. Add a coffee mug and snacks to the mix and we make no less than 3 trips to the car before we’re ever ready to leave.

The bags vary day to day. They might include my laptop bag so I can work from my mobile office, aka drivers seat, while Gage is at school. Of course the swim bag isn’t an every day thing. At least twice a week, there’s a lunch box packed for eating on the go in between school and the next therapy session. And the ninja turtle is essential every time we leave the house. Not only does it hold must-haves like diapers, a change of kids clothes and hand sanitizer, it’s got Gage’s emergency seizure meds packed inside. Luckily, we’ve only needed to use them once so far. But a sense of panic sets in if we’re heading somewhere or out and about and I realize Leonardo isn’t with us. I usually don’t even bother with a purse anymore since it’s just one more thing to carry.

I’m not trying to complain and definitely know I’m not alone in this. But all that’s required to leave our house makes me appreciate the times we don’t have to even more. As I snuggle a happy, just waking up Gage this morning while I type and watch Louie snoozing peacefully, I’m looking forward to our nice relaxing Friday together! Days at home with my boys are my favorite!

4 Replies to “Our Life in Bags”

  1. Hannah your the best mom God could of given to those 2 boys. Evan has been blessed to have you in his life!
    Thank you for the wonderful updates in your life.

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