Spring in Springfield!

Spring in Springfield is full of fun for little ones! We’ve had back to back weekends of good times at local parks. Last weekend we enjoyed perfect weather, pinatas, kites and ukuleles at the Cherry Blossom Festival!

While we had a great time, I’m pretty sure the rest of the city’s population was there too. The crazy large crowd made decide to opt out of “Easter at the Farm” the next weekend. That is, until this morning.

With the cool temps today, I figured the crowds would be pretty thin, and Caleb told me he wanted to meet the Easter Bunny. Based on our past experiene with mascot characters and Santa, I had my doubts he’d follow through, but thought, “what the heck?” When we got there we hopped right into a short line to get a picture with the Bunny. Both boys gave me great smiles and high fived the Bunny. As we walked away Caleb said, “I wasn’t scared at all!” We made crafts, hunted eggs, said hi to the animals, had a picnic lunch and played on the play set until the frigid temps were too much to handle and nap time arrived. Caleb didn’t quite make it home before falling asleep.

A Few of my Favorite Things

As we go about our day to day routines, there are a few things that make our lives a bit easier. I thought I’d share a list of some of my faves in case it’s helpful for any other special needs parents out there. Most of these aren’t made specifically for special needs, so they may be helpful to other moms too!

Bandana bibs

My Amazon cart stays filled with a variety of cotton bandana bibs. They are a wardrobe staple for Gage to catch extra slobber that would otherwise soak his shirt. I’m not brand loyal to any particular ones, just search for fun patterns and make sure they have absorbent backing and snap closures. One of Gage’s awesome therapists has even made some for him! When we get new ones, I always vow to keep them clean, but they inevitably get stained with food or Pediasure. That’s ok though because it’s nice freshen up the selection from time to time!

Silicone sippy cup lids

In the quest to find the perfect vessel for Gage to drink from, we’ve tried every sippy cup in the book. At one point I was so frustrated that none of them worked and they were all just taking up prime real estate in my cabinets, that I decided to start from scratch. I held on to a few of the Dr. Brown’s bottles Gage has been using since he was a baby, and got rid of everything else. My next Amazon purchase was a set of 3 Boon silicone sippy cup lids. What I love about them is that they can stretch to fit over a variety of cup sizes and the cups to use with them can be stacked for storage. Oh, and the fact that Gage can and will actually use them of course. What I don’t love about them is Caleb can chewmmm through them and poke his finger through the vent hole, which takes away their spill proof quality. It can also be a little tricky to stretch the lids over a cup without 2 free hands and a level surface. We’ve had more than one spill on the go when a lid slips from my grip and snaps the full cup, rubber band style. But overall, they’re a big help for us. The brands I’ve tried are Boon and Spekids.

Billy Footwear shoes

Gage got his first pair of Billy shoes a few weeks ago and I’m certain they won’t be his last. They unzip all the way around from the top, which makes slipping his AFOs into them super simple. We have a low rise camo pair, but I think the high top version are in our future!

Cat and Jack adaptive jacket

Winter weather is not my favorite. But I’ve never disliked it more than when kids, extra layers, car seats and wheelchairs were involved, especially since Gage has to be wrestled in to coats or jackets. His tight little biceps and curled up arms make getting a coat on a major chore! Luckily, a Christmas gift from Grandma has helped a ton! Gage’s new go-to winter coat is from Target’s adaptive line for kids from Cat and Jack. It snaps up each side and has sleeves that zip on and off. It still takes extra time to layer Gage up for cold weather, but it’s at least a little easier with this jacket.


As we say good riddance to the long winter and welcome spring, I’m already anxious for summer and the chance to use another one of our favorite things, the Otteroo floatie. It’s a ring that snaps securely around the neck, with a rest for the chin. It’s made for babies, but has a weight limit up to 35 pounds, which my little guy is still under. While we wait for warm enough weather to fill our backyard pool, Gage has used it a few times in the bath tub. What’s great about it is that it gives him the freedom to move his whole body in the water. And move he does! He gets his arms going and kicks his feet and can spin around in a full circle. I was worried that he’d be bothered by it around his face, but he doesn’t seem to mind at all.

Our Life in Bags

Mamas, I know you can relate. Leaving the house every morning can sometimes feel like packing up for a long weekend away, am I right? Here’s a glimpse at the load we had prepared for yesterday.

It included Gage’s talker, ninja turtle pack, Gage’s school back pack, and a pool bag for swim lessons. Oh, and a big box of PBS KIDS goodie bags, which I forgot and had to turn around for so I could drop them by the zoo. Add a coffee mug and snacks to the mix and we make no less than 3 trips to the car before we’re ever ready to leave.

The bags vary day to day. They might include my laptop bag so I can work from my mobile office, aka drivers seat, while Gage is at school. Of course the swim bag isn’t an every day thing. At least twice a week, there’s a lunch box packed for eating on the go in between school and the next therapy session. And the ninja turtle is essential every time we leave the house. Not only does it hold must-haves like diapers, a change of kids clothes and hand sanitizer, it’s got Gage’s emergency seizure meds packed inside. Luckily, we’ve only needed to use them once so far. But a sense of panic sets in if we’re heading somewhere or out and about and I realize Leonardo isn’t with us. I usually don’t even bother with a purse anymore since it’s just one more thing to carry.

I’m not trying to complain and definitely know I’m not alone in this. But all that’s required to leave our house makes me appreciate the times we don’t have to even more. As I snuggle a happy, just waking up Gage this morning while I type and watch Louie snoozing peacefully, I’m looking forward to our nice relaxing Friday together! Days at home with my boys are my favorite!