A Year In Review

Whew! The end of the year always feels like a whirl wind! I’m not quite sure how we got here, a few days away from Christmas, but I love this festive season. This is always a time of reflection for me, and I thought I’d share with you as I take a look back.

The year has been a full one for Gage. Here’s a glimpse at his 2022, by the numbers.

  • 1 (and only 1) airplane ride. Although we flew down to Florida for vacation, our flight home was cancelled. Gage surprised us all and totally rocked the 12 hour drive home!
  • 3 surgeries. Sigh. I hate to think of a stat like this being a normal part of our reality, but, here we are. On the bright side, even with a hospital stay during a snow storm for a procedure scheduled with very little notice, it all worked out. Gage and the rest of us have adjusted well to his life with a feeding tube, and he’s in much better place nutritionally than he was a year ago.
  • 4 caregivers who are a vital part of “Team Gage.” We are so incredibly lucky to have the amount of help we do, and I just can’t say enough about how much it benefits Gage and our entire family. It feels like I’ve been given the space to move beyond survival mode and Gage has the freedom of more independence from me, which he totally loves.
  • 5 lost teeth. His smile, and his whole look, have changed so much this year! A new pair of glasses adds to the transformation. He’s definitely looking more grown up these days.

Other highlights include Gage’s first time at VBS, a special morning of fishing and fun, and a shower/bathroom remodel. While that last one might sound a tad boring for an 8-year-old boy, trust me…it’s a BIG deal!

Caleb’s year was probably his fullest one yet. He took a ninja class and learned some gymnastics skills, played T-ball for the first time, graduated preschool, started kindergarten, lost his first tooth, and started playing basketball. He is smart, creative, full of spunk and LOVES to see friends as much as possible. Nearly every day starts with the question, “who are we gonna see today?”

Entertainment for the Wingo fam in 2022 ranged from Reba McEntire, Zac Brown Band, and Garth Brooks concerts to St. Louis Blues and Kansas City Chiefs games, with a sweet middle school musical and a couple church Christmas programs tucked in there too. We made trips to the beach, the creek, the farm, the lake, and more, and spent as much time as possible in our friends’ pool.

Sadly, the year also brought some heavy farewells along with it. Evan’s aunt and my grandma passed away. Saying goodbye was hard, but both experiences were reminders of the bond between family and the impact a kind soul can have on so many.

When I look back through photos from this year, it’s impossible not to feel overwhelmingly grateful. While snapshots tend to only tell part of the story, my phone’s camera roll is a bit more honest than a social media feed. Not every part is joyful, but there’s so much packed into the days, weeks, and months that have come and gone. It feels full, in the best sense of the word. All the parts are present–joy, pain, grief, gratitude, frustration, longing, and a deep and genuine appreciation for the lives we get to live.

I hope you can look back and reflect on your year for everything that it was, and see all the ways that God is good, even when life is hard.

Lots of love and light from the Wingo family to you!

Merry Christmas!