Joy in the Middle – Guest post from Sarah

I’ve had a bit of writers block lately so my sweet sister graciously wrote this week’s blog post for me. Thanks, Sarah! 
My sister asked this morning if I had a blog post for her to share this week and I responded with a clever, “maybe I can just wing it,” nod to her blog title. The truth is I didn’t have anything…but I wanted to be optimistic. And then I was at work too late today. And came home to my husband and four kids who deserve my attention. And I wanted to watch This Is Us (yeah, seriously). And exercise. And read from one of the three books I’m currently juggling and so on. Now it’s 11:16 pm the night before her posts are published and I just sat down to start writing.
Here’s the thing. I. Love. My. Sister. Plain and simple. (Okay, it’s actually sisters, as in plural. I love BOTH of my sisters. If you’ve had the pleasure of spending any amount of time with these two amazing women I’m going to guess you love them, too.) However, it’s Hannah’s blog and she was my focus in trying to be optimistic I could help with a blog post.
If you’ve been following along, you know Hannah is facing some struggles with Gage’s seizures and additional testing. This weekend will be Gage’s 72-hour study and I know it’s weighing on Hannah. I also know in the past week she’s had several loved ones receive very serious health news for themselves or their family members. I know this weighs so heavily on Hannah. And don’t we all know in some way or another? When you’re in the midst of a struggle and it feels like every way you turn you get hit with more bad news. Can you relate?
When life is tough, with blow after blow, it’s easy to forget our blessings. Easy to forget we can still find JOY in the midst of our struggles. My heart aches for my little sister. I can’t put in to words my concern for her these past few days, thinking about all that’s got to be on her mind. And then, this happens.
louie in headphones
Gage in headphones
I get a text from Hannah with these adorable pics. Instead of focusing on the stress of the 72-hour study Gage is about to undergo, she is enJOYing how cute her boys are in these hearing protection ear muffs (they’re for Caleb in case he has to go to a race with his Daddy so he won’t be at home trying to “help” Hannah and Gage). She’s finding JOY. She’s sharing the JOY.
Hannah also shared with me how one of her loved ones currently dealing with serious health news is finding ways to laugh and see positives. Making jokes and focusing on the JOY of having an oncologist who’s “a hugger” rather than the despair of a cancer diagnosis.
This made me reflect on some precious moments of JOY from the past couple years. When I unexpectedly lost my job (as the only source of income for our family of six while my husband finished his degree, no less), I was devastated. My two youngest kids, however, didn’t miss a beat. In the midst of my deep pain I was able to find JOY in their sweet (and completely serious) suggestions that this was no problem. I could simply get a job working in their school cafeteria or at a local restaurant (so they could get free food). Yes, my kids like food.
When I received anonymous hate mail (yes, really), I was able to find JOY because my sisters and mother took it upon themselves to fill my mailbox with “love” mail. Encouragement and kindness and so much love. Hannah even asked several of her friends to write encouraging letters to me (and you sweet ladies know I love you!). Who does that? People who want to help you find your JOY, that’s who.
If you’re in the middle of a rough patch right now, I hope you can take your eyes off the pain and struggle long enough to see the JOY. If your friend/coworker/loved one is struggling, I hope you help them find JOY. Maybe it’s in gorgeous weather or a friendly smile. Maybe it’s in the perfect song playing at the perfect time. Maybe it’s in pictures of Hannah’s freaking adorable boys! Or maybe you need to hear this:
You are a treasure. Not because other people think so. Not because of your looks and brains and talents. Not because of anything going on around you. But because God loves you. You are valuable. You are adored. You are worthy of JOY, no matter what you face.
I wanted to write a post for Hannah so it was one less thing for her to worry about. I wanted to take something off her plate. I wanted to maybe even bring her a bit of JOY because she’s brought me so much over the years. Perhaps it’s a good reminder for each of us to look up from pain and hardship around us long enough to see JOY in the middle.
I’d love if you’d join me in praying for Gage. Praying for Hannah’s dear friends. Praying for Hannah–for her peace, comfort, and JOY in her present circumstance.
“May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”Romans 15:13 NIV