Our Journey

Hi, I’m Hannah. I’m a mom of 2 sweet boys. My first-born has developmental disabilities caused by congenital CMV. With my hubby by my side, we are navigating our way through the world of special needs parenting. I love to soak up snuggles from my kids, sunshine and quality time with dear friends and family. I believe that joy is present in all stages of life, even the tough ones.

As I seek to share more of our story, I hope to connect with other parents who have a mutual understanding of the roles we play. This is a place to share things we may otherwise be afraid to say out loud, knowing someone is on the other side of the keyboard nodding in agreement. I want to keep a positive and optimistic outlook, but in a genuine way that doesn’t ignore the tough and unfair reality we sometimes face.

Being a mom isn’t the only thing that defines me, of course, but in the last few years it has become such a huge part of who I am and what matters to me. The stage of my life filled with freedom and spontaneity feels much further than just a few years ago, but I’m by far the happiest I’ve ever been. I feel more and love deeper these days.

My oldest son Gage loves music, water and swinging. He’s got a smile and laugh that can light up a room and is quite the charmer. My second born, Caleb, is full of personality. He amazes me by the things he picks up on and remembers and he definitely has an ornery streak. And their daddy, Evan, is the love of my life. He’s what I need in so many ways that I never even realized before he made me fall in love with him. We’d been friends for years before I opened my eyes to all his wonderful qualities and then I fell hard and fast.

I could go on and on about my 3 boys, but it’s not quite as easy to tell you all about me. It’s hard to pinpoint the things I am, but I can tell you all the things I’d like to be…kind, laid back, faithful and grateful. I strive to be those things every day and do the best I can for my family. There are moments when broken, discouraged, stubborn, or short-tempered might be a more accurate description, but hey, I’m still a work in progress.